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KHARTOUM - 29 May 2015

Sudanese security reprint old issues of Al Maidan newspaper

Agents of Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) printed old print-runs of the Sudanese Communist Party newspaper al-Maidan and distributed them without permission from the newspaper’s management.

In a statement issued on 27 May seen by Radio Tamazuj, The newspaper said its email was hacked by a hostile body and that an old issue numbered 2965 and dated 14 May was printed and distributed in the market without their knowledge.

They said they move was aimed at misleading readers that Al Maidan didn't adhere to a recent decision by the Sudanese Journalist's Network (SJN) to stop protesting the confiscation of print runs of nine newspapers and suspension of four publishing licenses recently.

"The newspaper has been able to defeat such plans since its establishment in 2007, either through censorship, confiscation or accusation of committing crimes against the state," adds the statement.

Meanwhile, Khalid Ahmed, member of the SJN secretariat said the journalists strike was successful on Wednesday.

He also confirmed to Radio Tamazuj that the National Security and Intelligence Service security had printed an old print-run of Al Maidan and distributed it without the permission from the newspaper’s management.

Ahmed pointed out that the SJN will look for other alternatives to restore dignity and freedom of newspapers by forming an inclusive front.