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MINGKAMEN - 13 Nov 2014

Nine feared dead in boat accident near Mingkamen

A boat traveling on the Nile near Mingkamen capsized on Monday resulting in the death of nine people by drowning, according to one of the survivors.

Authorities have arrested the crew of the boat to investigate their role in the accident.

Captan Dut Machur Lueth and the turn-boy of the boat were among 20 survivors who swam ashore, Radio Miraya reported. 

The boat was heavily loaded with bags of maize and 29 passengers. The accident happened after the boat struck an island and overturned.

“When we arrived, my turn boy said he knew the route because he used to use it in the past. He told me to turn right straight ahead… The cause of accident was that corner I was told to take…,” said the captain.