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ABU KARINKA - 5 Jun 2015

Ma’alia tribe says no security along Abu Karinka-Ad Daein border

A top Ma’alia tribal leader has denied claims that security forces were deployed to create a buffer zone between them with the Rizeigat tribe after recent violence in the Abu Karinka area in Sudan’s East Darfur State.

Yusuf Ali Hamid, spokesman of the Ma’alia tribe, told Radio Tamazuj that there are no forces deployed along the Abu Karinka- Ad Daein borders.

The statement came after an investigation committee formed by the National Ministry of Justice left Abu Karinka Locality where it questioned the state security committee and traditional leader of the Ma’alia tribe.

Yusuf pointed out that there are forces deployed in Abu Karinka and Adila Localities – not along the border between the two feuding tribes.