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BAMBASI CAMP - 25 Sep 2014

Infections causing blindness in Bambasi camp, Ethiopia

Infections said be resulting in vision loss have been recorded at Bambasi refugee camp in Ethiopia, according to aid worker working with Rado organization.

The camp accommodates a large number of people mostly from Sudan’s Blue Nile State where conflict erupted in 2011 between the Sudan Armed Forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLA-N).

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, Adam Khalifa stated dozens of Blue refugees complained of the alleged spread of infection causing blindness in the camp.

 Khalifa estimated the number of patients at 250 refugees.

He claimed the phenomenon could be related to aerial bombardments and explosives used during the fighting in Blue Nile, which exposed the refugees.

He called upon health organizations to establish healthcare centres and provide medicines for the infected people.