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TANGO CAMP - 3 Oct 2014

Blue Nile refugees celebrate harvest feast at Tango camp

The Blue Nile refugee community at Tango camp in Ethiopia gathered Wednesday to celebrate the Eid Jada En Nar harvest feast of the Gumuz tribe.

Malik Abu Shok, an expert in Gumuz tribal heritage, told Radio Tamazuj that they celebrated their culture with music and a dance, saying it is the third time they’ve held the festival in Ethiopia.

“The celebration was wonderful [with] a large number of refugees and civil society organizations in the presence of the Gumuz tribe in Tango camp,” said Abu Shok.

Abu Shok called upon the Blue Nile refugees in neighbouring countries to preserve their cultures and pass them on to younger generations.

Photo: Sudanese refugee children in Western Ethiopia camps, 2007 (UNHCR)

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