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BABANUSA - 10 Mar 2014

Activists freed after crowd threatens to storm police station in West Kordofan

Seven youth activists were released by authorities in Babanusa town in Sudan’s West Kordofan State reportedly after a crowd threatened to storm the building where they were being held.

Security authorities arrested the seven activists at the market on Friday because they were mobilizing citizens to attend a symposium about ‘deteriorating services’ in the town.

The activists had been driving around in a car calling on the local residents to turn out to the public event on the lack of services. Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Sunday, several residents in Babanusa town said the security elements intercepted the car and took the men into custody.

“Dozens of citizens afterward converged in front of the security service office demanding the immediate release of the seven detained young activists before the office is stormed,” said one resident.

During this protest the authorities released the activists. The activists continued with the event on Friday without prior permission from the authorities. The symposium is said to have focused on the shortage of water and electricity supplies, as well as inadequate health and education services in Babanusa.

File photo: Babanusa market